








本篇發表於 每月檢討 並標籤為 , 。將永久鏈結加入書籤。

86 Responses to 一年唔幫襯大地產商

  1. Do Chan 說道:

    hey man, i will join your action in someway. i’ve been boycotting McDonald’s and some major chain store already. but u r doing it in a awsome way!!!

    • yatming 說道:

      great to have a companion somewhere in hk! boycotting and at the same time spending money in small shops is a small step but can make a big difference, when more people like you and me put it into practice! more power to u!

  2. 匿名 說道:

    Good on you man!! I appreciate what you are doing! If I were single and young as you, I would have joined your action too. I used to live in Hong Kong. Frustrated how much life could be manipulated by the authorities and the powers, I left temporarily indefinitely. But HK is my home. I miss all the familiar places, people and live there. Yet, I am still learning whether the place now I am living will be a better place than Hong Kong, my beloved city. I will pray for you and God bless you. Hope you succeed in your one year boycott action.

    • yatming 說道:

      thx for support from abroad! dont know which corner of the earth you are now settling your body and soul, hope u find true happiness and satifaction! when u have time, share with me how’s life in your temporary new home 🙂

  3. Littlemu, 說道:

    Good on you man!! I appreciate what you are doing! If I were single and young as you, I would have joined your action too. I used to live in Hong Kong. Frustrated how much life could be manipulated by the authorities and the powers, I left temporarily indefinitely. But HK is my home. I miss all the familiar places, people and live there. Yet, I am still learning whether the place now I am living will be a better place than Hong Kong, my beloved city. I will pray for you and God bless you. Hope you succeed in your one year boycott action.

  4. 親慧 說道:

    簡樸的生活 , 就是美的生活 , 我支持你 .

    • yatming 說道:


  5. 說道:


  6. EL 說道:

    100% support……
    and very happy to see you share on here…..

  7. Qentin Lee 說道:

    So good to see you on newspaper today, proud of you and its my pleasure to be your spanish student once, support you, God bless!!!

  8. Shatin Woman 說道:

    多謝你的分享, 和全力支持你, 希望人人做一點, 可以向大地產商說不, 現在香港政府好像停頓下來, 甚麼都不做, 沒有全面計劃為香港和香港人將來打算, 也許我們要靠自己, 我須然是一名師奶仔, 從今天起, 不在百佳, 惠康和大集團購物和消費, 回來小時候的舖頭仔, 茶餐廰.
    大家一起行動, 用群眾悲微力量向大集團說"不".

    • yatming 說道:


  9. funli 說道:

    最近收到這則電郵,「Please vote for SPCA Foster Parents for Animals Programme in http://www.loveideas」,是動物協會的「動物暫養父母」(Foster Parent for Animals) 計劃,就申請李嘉誠基金會向會員及公眾呼籲,希望大家到基金會上進行網上投票。
    我收到後無比懊惱與惆悵,至今未有舉動。我家的寶貝老貓 13 年前在動物協會領養,我對動物的愛護與拯救活動無限支持,但要我到李嘉誠基金會投票,我實在不願意!!!

    • yatming 說道:


    • CH Lee 說道:


  10. Tyler 說道:


  11. YT 說道:

    Hey man, I support you 100%! You set a good example that poor ordinary people can voice their opinions in such a public way. We don’t want to be the slaves of those so call business men that make fun by exploiting ordinary people (or their lives). Our government is such a useless one that we don’t have any hope they will do sth. to change the fact that HK economy is controlled by those few ass holes. We have to be united to make sure they know we are not their slaves.

    Thanks for being the revolutionary and I want to let you know that you are not alone in this!!!

    • Poon cy 說道:

      十分支持你的行動!但你需要查清楚單車可以行的道路, 因為我見到你有在行人路或緊急通道上踩單車, 按法例行人路是不能踩單車,另外不是所有緊急通道也可以踩單車。而部分車道路踩單車有頗高的風險, 務必小心.

      • yatming 說道:


    • yatming 說道:

      Yeah. I can feel that I am not alone. People from all corners of HK are fighting back in their own ways. That’s very encouraging. Yes, I believe little people like me can make a big difference when we really practice what we believe in. All the best my friend!

  12. Toby 說道:

    你的行為,給我力量! 原本香港仲有有心人,全力支持你…你並不孤單,加油呀..

  13. Michael Tsangson 說道:


    從蘋果日報知悉閣下. 我20年前,已見到香港的屋邨商舖,只租給大集團,
    不租給小商販. 1=一般小本經營者,必被趕盡殺絕.小民失去做小老闆創業的途徑.
    有你站出來,我全力支持你 Yatming.

    Michael. 11-2010

  14. ET8 說道:

    I am so prond of you and you are not alone. Amazing! I also have the same feeling and trying and tell my mother trying not to go big suppermarket and go to wet market instead already. I trying not go to chain fastfood store and go to small restaurant instead. I know this is not easy for your life but not too hard. I am trying that way. If I can’t doing for 100% that I try 80% if not even 30% I must do….Friend!! I always become one of the people to fright back!!!

  15. CH Lee 說道:



    Great、 Taste、 Gourmet、Market Place、 GNC、 ThreeSixty、(早已抽離此等高檔商店物品較好的心態)
    美心 MX、美心西餅、美心皇宮、美心大酒樓、 m.a.x. concepts、必勝客、星巴克(我已經唔幫襯啦!)、元氣壽司、千両、潮江春、北京樓:(盡量不會出街食飯,如必要亦多數不會幫襯以上;自己煮重好,朋友聚會通常在我家舉行,自由自在又節省又開心,食得健康。)

    • yatming 說道:


  16. mika 說道:

    Hello龐先生, 在appledaily看過關於你的報導, 真的很支持你的行動. 本人由今天開始巳無幫襯百佳, 轉向我家附近街市買東西, 真的如你所講平過超市. 打算以後都這樣做, 不過唯一暫時未能做到就是以單車代步 😦 希望有更多人能效法你這麼有意義的舉動.

  17. 匿名 說道:

    proud of you, will support, little people can make a big difference, u are not alone

  18. Fedora 說道:

    You have support from my family, and we have joined your actions! I have circulated news-clippings on your actions to people around me.

    Actually it is not so difficult to exclude those mega corporations (except public tranpsort and utility) from daily life, but HK people need to change their purchasing ways indeed. There are actually many small shops.

    BTW, thanks for your information on collection of recycling glasses!!!

    • yatming 說道:

      Great to have support from your family! I’m so moved to know that you are passing around the news clip. You’re absolutely right, it is not that difficult to free yourself from big chain stores and corporations. we just need to have some adjustments of our daily habit.
      I guess you are going to recycle glasses, arent u? awesome!
      Please send my blessings to your family.
      More power to you!

  19. linonyeung 說道:


  20. 引用通告: cnngo的訪問 | 一年唔幫襯大地產商

  21. Lydia 說道:

    Hi Yat Ming,

    Just wanted to say 加油! and to let you know I’ll do what I can to support this cause. It’s so easy to feel disillusioned and powerless in HK, but actions like the ones you propose would make such a difference if enough people implemented them. Supporting the smaller shops and wet markets are no hardship from my perspective in any event – I find they stock much better/ fresher stuff than the chains.

    The HK government needs to introduce a true competition and merger control regime in HK to stop the oligopoly madness in HK.

    • yatming 說道:

      Lydia, reading your comment gives me a fresh good start on a Sunday, thanks!
      I am also waiting for more people, esp younger ones, to start their version of life with consciousness and passion.
      you are right, introducing regulations is what hk needs, but it might not come in the near future…let’s not lose heart and fight the battle in our everyday life…

  22. Elvin Loo 說道:

    Hi yatming! Thx for starting this and I will join your action in someways.

  23. Tony 說道:

    Hi, Yat Ming! I support you and appreciate your bravery action! I will join you in someways. Try our very best! Keep on, man!

  24. yuk 說道:


  25. Macau friend 說道:


  26. kuen 說道:



  27. pwc1936 說道:

    I and my children support you , & join in your action .

  28. killua338 說道:

    加油! 萬分支持你!

  29. from Toronto 說道:

    The tvb Tuesday Report episode about you aired last night here in Toronto in a local Chinese TV station. Glad to know about your story and keep up the good work.

  30. from Calgary 說道:

    I’ve watched your interview from the TVB Tuesday Report in Canada. Your story is very inspirational. Every effort counts. Keep up the good work.

  31. yatming 說道:

    Happy to receive your support! Happy New Year!

  32. k9mania 說道:

    I am also the one who has just watched the Tuesday Report broadcasted here in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I am deeply impressed of your courage, and your determination to put it in action. I am sure your message will spread, and others will follow. Hopefully someone will pick up the same honourable action after you in order to show the conglomerates the “power of the Hong Kong people". I promise I will definitely follow suit whenever I stay in Hong Kong.

  33. jlam 說道:

    Hi Yat Ming,

    Greetings from Vancouver, Canada! I also watched the Tuesday Report and just wanted to let you know that you are an inspiration. Your dedication and will to raise awareness and to support local business is very noble. I will definatley try to do the same the next time I’m back in Hong Kong.

    Thank you for all your efforts!



  34. testing 說道:

    testing 123

  35. Stephen Chan 說道:

    Dear Mr. Yat Ming,

    I am an architecture student of HKU, my name is Stephen Chan. Currently I am working on my final year design thesis titled Hong Kong New Squatter (香港新寮民). Since I find that your 1-year action against developers is in line with my thesis, I would like to invite you to be the virtual client of my thesis project.

    In the thesis, I want to challenge the unreasonable high price and mode of production of housing in Hong Kong, which developers play a controller role. Squatter houses (寮屋) on the other hand are affordable and the people have control over their environment. To react against developers and unjust policy, I suggest that Hong Kong people should revisit squatting as an alternative mode of living.

    The preliminary idea is to design a kit of parts, which allow people to build their squatter house easily. In order to make these parts suitable for users, it would be great if you can be the virtual client to give suggestions from a user perspective.

    The project will carry a slight rebellious mood and it may not be an ultimate practical solution to the problem in Hong Kong. However, it is the intension of the project to make people think about the environmental and economic problem raised by developers and unjust policy. By raising people’s awareness it is hope that the situation can have certain improvement.

    If you are interested in helping me with this thesis for Hong Kong, please contact me and I can explain to you further. My e-mail is:


    Thank you for your attention.

    Yours sincerely
    Chan Chi Yin Stephen

  36. Jacky Hung 說道:

    Yat Ming,

    Start reading your blog & really appreciate your action!
    Count me in this battle!

  37. Australian Friend 說道:

    Yat Ming,

    I saw a TVB report about you! I am deeply touched. Growing up in capitalism and globalisation, conglomerates are part of out life and we take that as default.
    Your action made me start thinking, checking out other alternatives and better options!
    I would like to thank you for getting me to look into my consumption habits.
    Love to see what you will come up next year!!
    Good luck!

    • yatming 說道:

      so glad that you are inspired by my action. start to look for options makes a lot of difference in our life. you’ll find out treasures on your journey all the way. enjoy 2011!

  38. RIV 說道:


  39. Zue 說道:

    Hi! I’m in Vancouver. I just watched a Hongkong show featured your story of action towards major chain businesses in HK. It sure is making me think twice! How many months has it been? Please keep me posted on your progress and your story!

  40. Zue 說道:

    If you ever visit Vancouver, we would love to be your host. 🙂

  41. kawai 說道:

    i’ve read your book, every words.

  42. k9mania 說道:

    Can I have the title of your book? When was it published? Who is the publisher? ISBN? Do you know if I can buy it online? because I am not living in HK?

  43. Queenie Wong 說道:



    • 匿名 說道:



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