



Yat Ming, Long time no see!喺電視見到你,感到很surprised, 好支持你呢個行動和想法,我哋都會唸下盡量唔幫襯大財團經營嘅商店。Btw,想問點樣可以喺facebk聯絡你?想分享下你南美之旅。Thanks!










本篇發表於 種什麼收什麼, 原來可以這樣, 消費者力量 並標籤為 , , 。將永久鏈結加入書籤。

81 Responses to 一年唔幫襯大地產商分享會

  1. Kaiip 說道:

    或許是Mission Impossible, we will stand on your side!


  2. Ruth 說道:

    I like the 2 actionable items mentioned. Support!

  3. Grace Momoko 說道:


  4. Rafig Lai 說道:


    我的blog有誠心推介你的blog, 努力…..

  5. Reddog 說道:

    你的行動很有意思, 支持你

  6. ccc 說道:











    • yatming 說道:


  7. TM 說道:

    Shoutout from Toronto!

    After watching the TV show that you were on, I was totally shocked but yet impressed by your actions. You really set the right attitude for all the Hong Kong-er to strike back to these market leaders. You are doing the RIGHT thing and keep up the spirit brother!!!

    All the best and God bless!

  8. Hi Yatming,
    I’m from the U.S., and I just finished the episode of 星期日檔案 with my mum. We both think you’re a great inspiration! There is a lot of momentum for supporting local businesses and agriculture in the States currently, but like Hong Kong, giant corporations are still controlling much of the market. You made some excellent points during the program, and I hope more people will think twice about how they spend their dollars now. Your efforts (and courage for biking in Hong Kong traffic) are truly commendable!

    • yatming 說道:

      Hi, please share more how the momentum is on in the US! I recently started to learn permaculture and glad to see more and more people are in! One of my new year’s resolutions is to see in hong kong, eco-living is the toy for the rich people, but something affordable for the working class!
      Say hi and happy lunar new year to your mum for me!

  9. 9 說道:


  10. pong 說道:

    I just saw u on the the video on utube
    I will follow ur lifestyle in hk, so keep putting the tips on this board

    Right ON~

  11. 引用通告: Tweets that mention 一年唔幫襯大地產商分享會 | 一年唔幫襯大地產商 -- Topsy.com

  12. Allen Uhomist 說道:





    • yatming 說道:

      還是嚮往歐洲免費上大學的機會,令年輕人不用太早現實,從自己興趣向學問進發。謝謝你介紹我的網頁,有需要和學生分享,可找我!(facebook: Pong Yat Ming)

  13. Ken 說道:

    YatMing兄你好, 看了那個電視節目後對你所做的行動深感敬佩!


  14. Tina X. 說道:

    Hi Yatming,
    We were impressed by your idea on the Sunday Report. I hope more consciousness would come up in public like that and, myself, will try best to do what you propose. You are doing the Right thing that conveys the sincere affection to Hong Kong city!

    • yatming 說道:

      sincere affection, i like the way you put it. thank you. i simply believe a true heart can break the strongest metal on earth.
      let’s make a difference in hk!
      Thank you for your support!

  15. ling ling 說道:


    係電視睇完依輯關於你個行動同背後個意思時真係好佩服你 ~ 加油!!!!!

    * 想問下你除咗依個 blog 外會有其他地方 share 嗎??

  16. 了如 說道:

    錯!不是地產霸權,是地產「毒菜」,軟性毒菜,可笑是你後知後覺!眾生無得揀,因已被 programmised & systematised ,講白一點是被洗腦而不自知,可見軟性力量之大,看來毒菜還可以千秋萬代,點解?高增值的城市要講文明,官商勾結好難聽,攪毒菜是要:裏應外合,明未。吊詭的是,歷代中外奸雄、梟雄如希魔之流未竟之功,居然在此資訊發達、民智大開的年代被我們不費一彈一兵便圓其大夢,所以正在春夢之際,慈悲如你者唔好戮醒人咁殘忍啦!

    • yatming 說道:


      • sauwon 說道:

        He is talking dictatorship ! The pronouncing of “poison vegetable" in Chinese is DICTATORSHIP ! Seems we need to establish non profitable co-operative society in every district offering daily needs to root class. Such as Teacher Club is a good model.
        How about “Root Class Club" ? I am here blowing the whistle.
        Let’ s change !

        • yatming 說道:

          this is a wonderful idea. i’m thinking if some ngos or churches can take up this responibility.

          • 匿名 說道:

            It may include “Middle class" . Except Church we can approach different society such as school / teacher / accountant / publishing / education / building / manufacturing / religion ……………etc.
            If it is the right time, everything may go smoothly. Let’ s think.

  17. MsL 說道:


    • yatming 說道:


  18. HY Chan 說道:

    一嗚兄, 看返錄影嘅星期日檔案. 很同意你說: 唔應該要計算這個行動成效有幾大同幾多人支持才去實踐,而是行動的實質意義.實在是很多同道中人嘅心聲.看看這麼多人的留言,比人一種好 positive同熱鬧嘅感覺. As long as you stay positive about this action and believe the best is yet to come, it will definitely. More & more general public is now being alerted by yr action.

  19. binbin 說道:

    thank you for letting us know how to manage our life without “property developer"

    as long as we all knew that the way is much more difficult than we excepted, but please keep insisting what U believe. Support U like usual.

  20. Ivan 說道:

    你第一次上報紙(好似係東方定蘋果) 我已經很欣賞你, 你鼓勵我更認識地產霸權, 更認識我們如何被地產龍頭控制生活的每一個細節。自此,我積極開展我自己的「唔幫襯地產商」行動,我無定年期,我覺得只要一天我還在香港,我便要「自我作主」,在能力可達的範圍,不再洗腦式地幫襯地產霸業,支持本土經濟、支持多元選擇、支持簡約生活。讓我數數自己正進行的「簡單生活行動」:
    1. 不到大商場(大量名店和連鎖店)、惠康、百佳、7-11、ok、華潤等購物
    2. 不幫襯連鎖店如萬寧、屈臣氏、麥當勞、KFC、大家樂、大快活、美心、東海堂、聖安娜
    3. 幫襯街巿、佳寶、小店
    4. 帶備環保袋
    5. 自備飯盒
    6. 回收舊報紙、膠樽
    7. 不浪費食物
    8. 減少買獨立包裝食物 (如買一袋光身麵, 不買一包包的公仔麵)
    9. 使用有開關的拖板, 每晚關掉不用的電器
    10. 將地產商的惡行分享給朋友知道

    我相信我一定會繼續堅持,亦會繼續參與抗地產霸權的行動! 一鳴先生,遲D可能會搬入村屋, 到時我會買架單車代步, 期待中! 你也努力呀! 我和我太太都很支持你!

  21. :) 說道:

    Really support you …… and will try to support the local shops and markets afterwards!!! 🙂
    Add oil ~ you are not alone !

  22. Genie 說道:

    I hope you can make it. It is not that easy to hand wash your bedding…
    I hope more people will follow your footsteps to voice their problems by taking actions.
    All the best…

  23. WOODY 說道:

    你好啊!! YATMING!!
    支持啊!! 要堅持啊!!


  24. Yannie 說道:

    Really support you and admire you taking action against the real estate conglomerates~!!
    I used to think of how to do to ignore things involve the real estate conglomerates but it’s hard to do. But you can do it~!! That’s really great~!!
    And i would also like to know where is the shop you sent postcard to yourself at the end of the programme??

    • yatming 說道:

      this small shop is in 旺角兆萬3樓
      yeah, after practising for 4 months, i am surprised to find that it is much easier than I thought. esp. after you have built up your new routine, it is not that painful as one thinks.

  25. Dear Mr. Pong,

    The TV episode was aired just this past Tuesday in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, but it is better late than never.

    I would like to sincerely applaud you for your courage and dedication in boycotting the real estate giants’ monopolizations in almost everything in Hong Kong. If I were in your shoes I do not think I would be able to do what you are currently doing, not for one day, but for a promise of one year to yourself. I really like it when seeing you sending a postcard to yourself during the show.

    I am extremely touched and moved by some one like you, who can be so gutsy and daring endevouring to voice out your belief and opinions. Having said that, I am more or less the same way when I boycott the North American retail giant, Walmart, here in Canada and USA, or around the world alike. I have not bought from Walmart for a long long time after I have found out how poorly the management treats their own staff, how the corporation as a whole forced manufacturers(mainly in China) to cut cost with their bulk orders so they can sell their products at such prices that will beat out most othr competitors, how the company tries to monopolize the mega box superstore market to chase out local independent retailers(this is especially true in Canada when no other major similar competitor, but in the States there are at least Target, Meijer, K mart, etc.), how they discourage and disallow store staff to join unions(one store in Quebec, Canada managed to join the union finally based on the provincial laws and Walmart quickly just closed that store up lesting that other stores will follow suit and the unions would become their road block for Hitler style leadership), etc. If you do some research on line about anti-Walmart sites you will find out more reasons why I do what I do. I am not going to write an essay here to bore you. My mother thinks I am stupid not to shop at Walmart, because things are darn cheap at Walmart, but I insist to shop at other Canadian stores even if I have to pay a little bit more. My wife buys at Walmart when she can only find the things she wants at Walmart, which is quite demoralizing for me, but I cannot force my ideas and opinions down other people’s throats, can I? I think I am the only one around who boycotts Walmart, and at times I do feel lonely, but till death I will stand firm for what I believe in.

    For the same token, I hope you abide with what you truly believe in and strive to attain your goals and ideals, no matter what obstacles and resistence you encounter. Let me know any new updates of yours and hopefully they will do a follow up episode later on this year to show your progress.

    If you ever come to Toronto my home welcomes you with open arms. We do not have a hugh house to accomdoate you, but my heart is a lot more bigger than you can imagine. Until then, I remain yours

    Some guy who used to love Hong Kong,


    • Huan 說道:

      Alexander, I also like the moment at the end of the program. I drive in downtown Toronto a lot. I will try to be patient when I share the road with bikes after I read yatming’s bikehkeveryday blog. It is very danger to ride a bike these days, no matter where you are, Hongkong or Toronto. I understand what you are complaining about wal-mart. We have no choices in Toronto, we have to buy food from large chain grocery stores. I can’t find any little stores that sell what I need. Such as a bottle of shampoo, where would you go to get it? Wal-mart? Shopper’s drug mart? don’t forget shopper’s drug mart is also chain stores. BTW, I would also offer a place to live and foods to eat for yatming if he ever come to Toronto. Alex, why do you declare yourself as Some guy who used to love Hong Kong?

      • Hi Huan,

        I used to live and work in down town Toronto, and those couriers on bike did get on my nerve zipping through roads, streets and pedestrian sidewalks, alike. I always yield to cyclists when I drive, but some of them do not really signal ,or follow the rules of the road, and majority of these people are from mainland China, unfortunately. After doing extensive research on line and in person in the market place, I realize that Walmart is not the cheapest place on earth to shop at, not to mention many of their products are low end/low quality products from manufacturers. We shop at Zellers, soon turning into Target, for which I am extremely grateful, because Target will give Walmart a competition run. Giant Tiger, Liquidation World, No Frills, Food Basics, the Real Canadian Superstore, etc., are very good retial stores for us to stroll and get groceries. I am so certain Walmart is not the only choice, but their advertisements and propaganda give an impression their prices are lower when compared to other retailers, and that is utterly not true at all in our experiences. Shoppers’ Drug Mart is actually quite pricy, but if you know how to collect Optimum Points and only buy their on sale items you will be very happy like us. Currently we have about half a million points from SDM and we always wait till they have bonus redemption weekend to use our points to the maximum capacity. Yat Ming must be quite busy, because I do not see him replying to this thread lately. Pertaining to your question, well, I was born and raised in Hong Kong till I graduated from highschool, and I used to love the place a lot, but then seeing it change over time and now run and managed by a bunch of yahoo top dogs(majority of them any way), who are mindless, merciless, thoughtfulless, boldless, etc. Sorry, I have to make up some new words for the dictionary. Since the hand over in 1997 I have not seen one good thing coming out from Hong Kong, and when I see how the adminstration body works in Hong Kong under the mainland influence I know the “everything remains unchanged for 50 years" is a joke. When they said that decades ago I knew it was not going to happen any way. Hong Kong has become a lessor city for the average ants who live there, and most certainly she has been neutralized gradually by Red China. Which part of Toronto do you reside in??? May I ask?

        • yatming 說道:

          the communist party knows the tricks very well. tibet is a damn good neutralizing project. hk is following suit.

        • Huan 說道:

          Alex, In Canada, we talk about election all the time. In China, there is no such thing. There is only one party in China. That is communist party! I read all the comments people left for yat-ming. To my surprise, he has replied to every single comment! I am going to Canton China next Tuesday for one month. I found the place where I grew up is not livable anymore. Everything is overpriced. I don’t want to go into too much detail of our life in Toronto, yat-ming may not know what we are talking about. I live in Scarborough, port union and 401. I am wondering when the next 聚會 will be? I may be able to go. Yat-ming please send me a e-mail if you have a idea. Thanks. My e-mail address is temmyjoan@hotmail.com

      • sauwon 說道:

        absolutely we have choice, we may choose the natural stuff to clean our hair, please search on web. the most important thing is that everyone should change their consuming pattern in their daily life. igore the brand name / igore all the media ad. not only we save money but also save our earth. just make it simple, smiple life is beautiful life.

      • yatming 說道:

        thank you so much for offering me food and bed in toronto! i really have to think about coming over!

    • yatming 說道:

      alexander, the size of the heart counts a lot more than the size of one’s house. honestly, i have never thought of coming to canada before but after you and huan’s invitation, i’ve started to think about it. to have the support of the family member is a bonus. otherwise, the journey is a bit more lonely but you definitely have my full support. the battle in hk and the battle in canada is the same battle. none-of-my-business mentality does not apply anymore. let’s warm each other up when the circumstances are too cold.

      • Yat Ming,

        I thought you had been to Canada before, had you not???? If not, then you should seriously consider it and come over to stay for a while. I am sure Huan and I will fight for keeping you at our respective home, but then it does not really matter who gets to keep you wile your being in town. I believe Huan lives in a house so Huan should have more room to accomodate you since I live in a condominium and space is really limited—I can certainly provide home cooked meals and eat out experiences on weekends though : ). There are more than 500,000 Chinese in Toronto now, and I am sure at least 1/7 of them have seen your episode on the Chinese TV station here the other Tuesday. I am quite sure many, like you and I, are sick and tired of business sector monopolizations by the Li’s and the Lee’s, etc in Hong Kong. I believe action speaks volume so I also like to encourage you to keep your course and courage to brave the one year project. Yes, it is a lonely road sometimes, but then the little something(efforts) we all put in should and will make a difference in society and other people’s lives. UNtil then, we await your arrival in Canada, specificly Toronto!

  26. ayclui 說道:

    出版或製造平台,讓唔幫襯大地產商的另類的生活資訊或經驗可以流傳 –> 這個想法很好啊~現在這種資訊出現得比較散亂, 如果可以根據不同區域而列出可以支持的小店鋪(包括衣食住行), 那樣住在不同區域的朋友也可以有多點資料參考.

    我是住在大角咀區的, 也有一點資料可以分享~

    • yatming 說道:


      • sauwon 說道:

        這是一塲反壟斷的戰爭,將會是波瀾壯濶,我們每一位參與者正無聲地推動著歷史的巨輪,為港史譜上動人的一曲,為消費歷史改寫新章,未來一代必以我們為傲。當然這是强弱懸殊之戰,採取游擊 ( 網友資訊互動和個別行動 )、鄉鎮圍堵城市 ( 十八區的小舖 ) 的策略,是歷史的必然,但廣度和深度還不夠,看勢頭是時候同步建立網上平台和成立諸如非牟利的日需合作社暨以物易物共濟會,讓人人用較少的支出甚或花費無幾各取所需,效果必彰。同行者,這次集思會要慎密籌劃一下了。

  27. Frankie 說道:

    一鳴兄,唔知你有無收到我SEND到去你YAHOO個MAIL BOX入面既郵件?





  28. coins 說道:


  29. Hoppy 說道:

    如果可步行或有其他選擇, 我連「港鐵」都不想「幫襯」。


    • yatming 說道:


  30. Amy 說道:

    看過星期日檔案及明報的"Antitrust Action"專訪, 很感動有身致力行的人。因我雖常用政府的免費上網服務, 拒絕花錢買昂貴的手机及 data Plan, 但在家中仍会裝光纖上網, 方便在家中查閱。"方便"、"要有多一个means 去 back up"、漸漸就要去擁有更多。
    雖然香港的貧富懸殊日趨嚴竣, 不公平的事令香港人生活得很不快樂。但若與国際间大部份城市相比 (包括北美洲), 香港還是一個較"幸福"的城市。因我們還有"選擇" — 醫療、交通、電訊、購物等。若我們能正確地、智慧地、為他人著想地去運用及發揮我們的"選擇空間" — re-distribution of resources, 我相信"一年唔幫襯大地產商"的理念, 可以更擴闊地實驗及實現在社會中。

    • yatming 說道:


  31. Amy 說道:

    我曾經想過、需逐步發展的計劃: 在較多內地新移民, 及年長低收入人士居住的社區, 推行community garden 的計劃: 就是政府留出部份土地, 讓他們種植有營養價值的食物, 如蕃茄, 菜蔬。既可綠化環境, 幫助他們基本需要, 增長他們對自己社區的歸屬感, 維蘐其個人尊嚴。能實施這計劃的, 可以是離島, 密度較低, 或在較大型公園中保留某些地方作墾發。

    • yatming 說道:


  32. 憶安 說道:

    收入如賤民的我,不太過問社會事,每天三餐有繼已經很滿足。雖然是掙扎求存,但被你燒得很紅的熱血感染到,也不禁問自己: 有什麼是個人能夠做到的?


    渾渾噩噩已經很了不起。 我很欣賞你的為人,因為我覺得你活得很清醒,還不止,你還懂得令別人思考「為什麼。」

    一個人的力量很渺少,盡其人生,個人所做的能對社會有什麼影響? 人人都說要反壟斷、反官商勾結,特別在立法會議員口中聽得特別多。每星期都在討論這,討論那,沒完沒了的紙上談兵,聽多了覺得很膩。反而口口聲聲打著「反這、反那」的那些人,每個星期三在電視直播中不停的吼,效果來得不及一位其貌不揚,每天在市區踏著單車,周圍找地方上網的光頭佬來得震撼。

    是真實存在的一個人,直接被人看到如何去實行「一年唔幫襯大地產商」,到體育館用免費WiFi、用單車代步被人潑水,自己手洗床單。 嘩! 原來生活是可以這樣子過的。為什麼顯而易見的事情,我們可以做,但不自覺地已否定了這種可能性? 是不是人追求生活便利同時,忽略了社會運作最最最基礎的本質? 是應以人作為中心,而不是物質主導。便利店、超級市場,全是打著「便利」和「一站式」購物的旗幟。是以便利取代了小商鋪、傳統街市的購物方式,聲稱讓人集中購物,明碼實價,童叟無欺的方式,讓市民省更多時間用來賺錢,再繼續消費。 也完全抺殺了「人情味」。沒有情,何來人,淨下一堆二堆的銅臭味。



    • yatming 說道:


  33. armlabs.net 說道:

    一鳴兄你的理念十分好. 我現在也正在進行"一生不用M$軟件", 以抗其攏斷行為.
    用的是UBUNTU (LINUX) OS, 入面全都正版免費軟件.
    其間有不少大公司網頁唔SUPPORT LINUX的, 我都SEND EMAIL 希望他們能SUPPORT LINUX. 有部份肯聽我的去改. 還有的唯有用WINDOWS 去搞了. 總之如非必要, 都不用WINDOWS 呢一方的東東.
